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"[On being volunteered to have Janet as a roommate] I could... I'm trying to be nice now..."
"Is that what you're calling it?"
"Well, it's a new thing. You should try it sometime."
"That sounds like way too much work for me." - Violet and Imogen Parker

A House Divided is the thirty-fifth episode of Layla the Vampire Slayer and the thirteenth episode of Season 2. It marks the return of RandomTuesday after a three-episode absence.


After Robbie Williams' passing, Layla, Robert and Barnaby take Janet (and Robbie's corpse) to Mr. Davidson's house to ensure that Janet's alright and to see whether there are any lingering side-effects of her de-possession. George Davidson, an over 6' monster, answers the door, clearly tired and sweaty after doing some exercise. They tell her that Janet went through some stuff and they'd like to bring her in; Robert tells his father than Janet already knows about magic, finding out by herself. He tells his father that Janet's been affected by a spell, but otherwise seems alright and needs water and food. They try to get Janet to rest on the sofa despite minor protests and she asks what happened. Barnaby and Layla suspect it was a rather powerful possession that was trying to cause apathy. Barnaby says that Robbie's broken and broaches the idea of fixing him, but Robert, aside, says to tell things to Janet slowly.

Janet apologises, saying that she didn't want to be too thoroughly involved, but she wanted to help. Layla suggests that she should have probably asked them, while Robert says they're in a team for protection. Layla says that she doesn't want to be at fault for Janet being hurt. Janet acknowledges this and thanks them for their help, saying that she had just about given up by that point. Layla asks whether Janet remembers anything before that; Janet says that it's been a few months, but it got blurrier towards the end. Layla asks whether Janet can recall anything that might have played a part; Janet says that she tests her equipment thoroughly and, unprompted, says that she doesn't partake in drugs. When pressed for details about anything that might have caused the possession, Janet mentions she has lab notes kept in a small lab. The others cringe, knowing that said lab was destroyed by a bomb and flooding. Unfortunately, most of Janet's equipment and notes were in said lab.

They press her further. Janet mentions that the robots' power source came from some demon horns that can store power, which she got from a magic shop, potentially Ra. Janet realises that Imogen's not here, and asks whether Ra kidnapped her after some snide comments from Robert, and they try to dissuade her. George walks in with a tray of drinks; most are water, but one's cloudier. He gives it to Janet, saying that it's got paracetamol and sugar in it. He also has some sandwiches. Barnaby puts his foot in his mouth about his parentage and as an escape route tries to get Layla to help his dad in the kitchen. George realises what's going on and plays along, and they leave Robert and Janet together. Janet apologises to Rob for how she treated him. She says she didn't want to get involved because of the danger, but at the same time wanted to help, and that the possession played off that. It spiralled from the moment months ago when she told him she didn't want to become involved.

Robert apologises for not realising sooner, and for losing track of everyone and everything, and expresses regret for losing people. About Robert's declaration of love, Janet says that they haven't really spent enough time together and that he was a little strong earlier. He apologises for it, saying that it was in the heat of the moment, and she says she understands (while blushing furiously). Janet says that she would be interested in going out with him, but is intimidated in Barnaby being his brother. After questioning she says that she's not that into the physical side that much and assumes that Robert is somewhat influenced by his brother, who has a reputation of being a stud. Robert is confused and lost for words. They awkwardly both agree to going out sometime before redirect to talking about the sandwiches and Janet's prior eating habits. She says that she doesn't remember eating and Robert again apologises for not checking up on her. She recalls the phone ringing several times, and Robert's guilty about it again and re-emphasises that Janet should call them for help anytime.

Back in the kitchen, Barnaby is shovelling vanilla ice cream into his mouth and explains to Layla and his father that he wanted to leave the two alone in the sitting room. George is surprised that Robert has a girlfriend, and they confuse him. As they try and explain things to him, the Cupid LLC Employee appears from behind the kitchen counter and pipes up, asking for the ice cream. Layla grumbles to herself prepares to march out and tell Janet to tell Robert that she loves him. Barnaby flails in fear at the Cupid, who backtracks and says that since Janet and Rob talked about it she's not on the list any more. Hearing this, Layla stops and asks why he's here, and he re-explains it to her. Barnaby says that his job baffles him, and the Cupid demon agrees, but at least he gets paid, right?. Cupid retorts about why Layla's in school, and she agrees and gives him some ice cream. The cupid, mid-eating, asks George whether he's a Watcher, and he says so, before the cupid makes a comment on George's lack of Watcher dress sense. George asks whether the cupid demon's an okay demon, and Barnaby, Layla and the demon have a disagreement over the nature of his job. Layla asks whether the cupid just follows orders, and the cupid retorts about the Watchers' Council, and both Layla and George disagree with that. They quiz the demon on who his boss is - Cupid - and how they communicate.

After finishing his ice cream, the cupid makes to leave. He tells them to keep an eye out, that "next door have been rowdy". He says that he likes them, but that's the only warning they're getting. Layla complains that it's a bad warning, and he leans in and repeats himself before loudly declaring that he's off and leaves, leaving the two none the wiser. They are confused about whether it is literally next door (George mentions that there's a swingers' club next doors) or otherwise. They comfort Janet, who decides to stay in Layla's dorm for the time being. They leave for the dorms. Layla writes her letters to Imogen; as the paper doesn't wipe itself clean, they have developed a shorthand to communicate to each other. She gives an update to Imogen, but after finishing she hears the sound of wind hitting the window pane very hard. It happens again, and Layla opens the window, and the wind blows in and forms a tornado in the middle of the room. Imogen then appears and Layla immediately hugs her.

There is a similar sound behind them and Violet appears, feeling a bit sick. Layla and Imogen make up while Violet throws up into a bucket in the corner. As she throws up she explains that Imogen was missing Layla before continuing to throw up. Imogen asks how long has it been, and is shocked to hear that it has been a month (she thought a week). Imogen explains that they went to Ra's Magic Shop, then she worked for him and ran a few errands into other dimensions like an internship. She ran into a lot of demons. There wasn't a school as much as on-the-job learning; she did some research and acquisition, stealing something from someone she shouldn't have. Layla is unhappy that Ra just apparently used Imogen, but Imogen says that she could study at a coven near Oxford but that was close to where the Watchers were, so she wasn't interested. She decided that working in the Alley (and not always doing Ra's bidding) would get her to meet more people. She thinks that Ra doesn't know that she didn't do some things for him, but Layla has her suspicions.

Violet followed Imogen "of her own volition", and apparent liked Ra. Any further comment ends when Layla mentions Janet, who is still in the room. They "suggest" that Janet stay with Violet, and Violet agrees. Imogen mentions that she was worried about the school work, and Layla, and the paper running out of space. Imogen asks about the robots, but Violet suggests to Janet that they let Layla and Imogen make out more and they leave. Layla says "welcome back" to Violet and she says it's lovely to see her and encourages the two to make out before leaving. Imogen says Violet was "as bad as she thought she was", and that she hasn't been human for a long time. Despite that, she was glad to have her around, but objects to thinking she's come around to liking her yet. Layla thinks that Violet just needs a bit of encouragement and can be helpful. Layla brings up the issue of people knowing that she's the Slayer before Imogen quizzes Layla on what happened when she wasn't here. mainly what happened between Barnaby and Robbie. As they are discussing Ned Phillips' condition, Ned walks in and notices Imogen. They ask why he's here and he said that he wanted to stay in Layla's room because he was concerned about Barnaby and Robbie's bonking. Layla tells Ned that he doesn't need to worry about that now and that they weren't bonking. Imogen asks whether Ned knows what "bonking" is; he flatly says he knows it's sex and thinks that they were engaged in foreplay.

Ned then realises the situation and asks whether they were going to bang, and they tell him to stop thinking about that and Layla tells him not to worry about Robbie. Ned asks whether they broke up, and Layla says "something like that". He stays for five seconds before they order him to leave. The girls go back to talking about what happened over the past month. Imogen says she learnt a few spells, and Layla gives Imogen the notes she got from the monastery. One of them is a spellbook on very old Ancient Greek, possibly belonging to a demon; one of the spells is on weakening implements. The notes are on growth, the brain, learning, provoking abilities and cranial surgery of the occult nature. One of them has a picture of the spider's birth with an exploding head and Imogen asks Layla whether this was what Robert and Ned had in their heads. Imogen suggests that they should get the things out of their heads immediately. Layla thinks that a magical route for extraction would be dangerous, but Imogen says that none of them know brain surgery. She recalls that her sister is training to be a doctor, and that she didn't want to be near Oxford because she didn't want to run into her sister and have to explain everything. She did go there once and "picked up" a spell book, though. Imogen has also learnt Sanskirt in her time away.

Layla brings Imogen up to date on the Davidsons and them having an issue, then tells Imogen about Janet possibly being possessed by a demon and Robbie having been destroyed. Layla wonders whether Janet will be alright with Violet, and Imogen assumes so since Violet's "trying to be nice". Imogen threatens to turn Violet into a frog if anything happens to Janet. Speaking of frogs, Imogen goes to pet John the Frog and says she still doesn't know what happened to him. Layla asks what happened with John. Imogen says that she was being bullied, then John was gone and a frog was there. She said something in Latin, but doesn't really remember and did it before she knew magic was a thing. Imogen says that John's "nicer" in frog form, but Layla questions that and that his parents would care. Guilt-tripped somehow, Imogen agrees.

Robert and Barnaby are going to their room, and Robert realises that there's a really strong throbbing sensation at the back of his head that is getting worse. As he tries to blink it away, an aura surrounds the sides of his vision. He tries to call out to Barnaby, but as he does so the frustration in him at janet being hurt compounds his headache. He's not scared of it, but is angry at it, and tells Barnaby. It is an overpowering migraine, but his anger just about keeps his concentration, and he tells Barnaby that they need to deal with this, then everything else. Barnaby agrees that they have a long shit-list and helps him. They start to discuss brain surgery, but Ned opens the door and mentions that Imogen's back and asks about where Robbie is. Barnaby ignores Ned and suggest they go to Layla's room, pushing Ned out of the way. Barnaby apologises to Ned and says that now's not the time, as Rob's hurt. Rob perks up a bit, thinking that Imogen could help, but is very concerned (and angry) and agitated to go to the girls. Ned asks if there's anywhere he shouldn't touch because there's bodily fluids and Barnaby tells him everywhere.

Rob is in a lot of pain. It takes them a while to get there, as Barnaby has to prop up his brother. Robert starts to nag about Imogen being away, and Barnaby is surprised by his brother's vehemence, and says that if all else fails, they can go find a doctor. Layla and Imogen are being amorous and the boys urgently knock on the door to try and get in. After a while they let the boys in, and Robert is concerned since the incubation time shouldn't be a concern. The aura around Robert's eyes becomes blurry and there's a tint of red as his eye vessels start to burst. Barnaby helps Robert down. He and the girls research Robert's condition, and Imogen notes that Robert's condition is developing abnormally fast, and that it should be a death-rattling headache followed by an eruption. They hypothesise that it might be kicking, but Layla can't feel anything. Imogen asks Robert to list of his symptoms; he begins to feel like she's taking the piss and he demands whether there's a way to get it out of his head. She gets defensive and he gets more riled. Imogen looks at him through The Sight and he looks fine otherwise. Barnaby suggests they go to the doctor, and Imogen doesn't feel it's a bad idea, though Robert thinks he should scan himself first. Robert briefly considers Dr. Feelgood before recalling that Feelgood didn't have any medical qualifications.

Layla decides to climb out of the window. Robert is on her shoulders. Seeing a pile of boxes of pillows below her, she slides down the pipe onto them. Layla grabs a pillow and runs off to the lab. Imogen stays in the dorm researching, and Barnaby goes to check on Ned. In the lab, Robert overcharges the machine, which has yet to finish its charging cycle. In doing so, he causes a power cut for a 50m radius around the school. Barnaby checks on Ned, who seems fine. Barnaby tells him that Ned needs to get new laundry and tells him about Rob and asks him whether he's okay. Barnaby hypothesises that a person's intelligence affects the egg development. As he does so, he sees Ned's face exhibit vampire phenotype and asks him to come with him. Ned agrees, but complains that Barnaby's being an arse and is meant to be a good guy if he's fighting evil. Barnaby says Ned's health is at stake and they try to sneak out. The Porter sports him, but doesn't know who's there. Barnaby bolts past him but the Porter grabs Ned, who hits the guy in the face and sends him flying into a wall. Barnaby tells Ned to not question and to run.

Barnaby says he doesn't know what's wrong with Ned but he's not normal and needs help. Ned is confused but follows. They arrive at the workshop and Layla asks where's Imogen; Barnaby says she's researching. Ned asks what's going on and Layla asks him to sit down. Layla tries to explain that they're something in Ned and Robert's heads, but Ned complains that they've been holding things from him. Layla says they don't want him to be scared, and ties him up. Ned insists as as "Ned", he can't be scared. They tell Ned about the thing with him and Brian then tell him about the thing in Rob's head. Ned is now frightened about the thing in his head. Layla calms him down somewhat. She expresses frustraction at being unable to punch her way out of a situation. Imogen doesn't find anything relevant in her research; nothing really matches. There are plenty of things that can trigger anger, or headaches, but nothing that pops out. It would be odd, but changes in character or abilities could be possible, even anger-related strength a la the Hulk.

Imogen makes her way to the workshop, passing the unconscious body of the Porter. He's alive and seems to be fine otherwise. Imogen finds a phone and calls 999, telling them about the situation (and the unconscious Porter), bollocking that she's "Emma Smith" and hangs up. Robert emerges out of the MRI machine and asks why Ned's tied up. Layla explains that she didn't want him to hurt anybody. He tells Ned to stop being suck a "crybaby". None of them can understand the brain scan data. Imogen comes in and asks who knocked out the Porter. They tell her it was Ned. Ned panics at Imogen's voice. She tells him it's her and tells them about the 999 call. Ned panics. Imogen takes a look at the brain scan. There is a small gap towards the back, and it has shrunk, is less regular and had moved slightly forwards since the previous scan. According to her research, it should be larger and growing. As they bicker over what it means (and try to explain to Layla, who thinks it's a frog), Rob gets hit with a sudden, pounding pain. Blood dribbles out of one nostril. A shooting pain goes up his sinuses towards the back of his head.

As they hurry to see a doctor, a malformed, chitinous shape, about 8mm across and 1cm long, comes out of his nostril. Its carapace is transparent and its entire body is deformed. It drags a bit of viscous, grey fluid out, with a sac of shredded fluid trailing behind it. It falls to the ground. Everyone is disturbed. Barnaby takes a glass and traps the unmoving thing under it. Robert has residiual pain, and feels like something burrowed from his cranial cavity to his nose. He's not bleeding as much as he should. Layla says that Robert's given birth to something, and Imogen cautiously/sarcastically offers congratulations. Imogen looks at her book and it looks like a partially-developed arachne demon. Rob is in shock and they have no idea what's going on; perhaps his body rejected it? Not long after, however, Robert starts to feel better. Robert's frustration at his situation intensifies. The thing is clearly quite dead and Barnaby shows an agitated Ned, who flips his chair over. Layla catches the chair. Imogen walks up to Robert and asks whether he's okay in a non-physical sense. Robert is a bit miffed at being treated like the weak one and says he's fine quite heatedly.

Layla says he's a bit more tense than usual and he gestures at the dead spider-thing in the jar without further comment. After shushing Ned, Imogen says that it was a failure due to not hatching, and that either it was implanted incorrectly or was killed by something. Barnaby brings up the mind-effect from Janet, and Rob comments that the thing got so depressed it gave up incubating. Imogen asks what happened. They bring her up to date and she doesn't think they excised the demon; they point out the massive blast of light and the fact that they're not dead. Layla suggests the demon transferred to the egg-thing. The others reach a conclusion about Ned's head. They bring up the possibility of making the thing in Ned's head sufficiently depressed it dies; Layla brings up the demon horns which they remember she got from Ra. Robert states that Ra isn't the kind of guy they should be hanging around, and Imogen says she needs to go to the toilet. Robert is quietly frustrated with his friends lying to him. Barnaby goes to "properly" welcome Imogen back with a hug. After Barnaby sticks Ned in the corner (for a comment about Robbie), they talk to Imogen about what happened previously. She says she's glad to be back and to see them again. As they seemingly gloss over Robert's problem again, a sinking feeling in his stomach makes him realise that perhaps, his "friends" don't care for him that much...

Imogen and Layla go back to their room; Barnaby takes Ned and Robert with him to their room. Robert grabs the jar with the spider-thing in it. Imogen tells Layla she thinks Rob's possessed by a demon. She doesn't want to tell Robert that they're suspicious, as that would tell the demon. Layla suggests talking to Janet or Violet, Imogen suggests Barnaby. They try not to "act suspicious" around Robert, and decide to tell Barnaby in the morning. Layla starts talking about transferring the demon to Ned then excising it, but Imogen interrupts. She thinks it's a complicated idea, but one that might work. They make out in the hallway. The lads get to their room, and Robert is nervous about having Ned there due to the demon thing. Barnaby says he doesn't think Ned even knows, and ultimately their responsibility. Barnaby tells Rob they could duct-tape Ned's mouth, but Rob says it'll only stop him for half a second. After some back-and-forth, Robert is a bit snippy and goes to bed.

As he sleeps, Robert's resentment against his friends grows stronger. They talk about him behind his back. They would plot against him, were they stronger than him, but they're not. Imogen tried to kill him twice, and lacks the respect for life he does. They consulted her first, and him as a last resort. Her apologies were half-hearted. His dreams are rivers of blood, with everyone who has ever wronged him impaled on a stake and bleeding. He thinks back of when he went alone after Miller, left bleeding by his friends, and thinks of when he had the vampire in his sights and how he should have pulled the trigger. He was better than them, a weak, squishy human, yet he got no recognition. Robert's dreams are temporarily lifted by how vivid they are, and he awakes. He sees a glimpse of Ned grasping onto his head as something breaks out of his nose, like a tiny spider, trying to claw its way out. Ned snores and and sucks the spider back up, before there's a sound of crushed chitin. Robert can't be bothered and goes back to sleep.

Layla and Imogen go to Violet's to talk to Violet and Janet. Violet apparently talks a lot, and Janet is a bit overwhelmed. Imogen asks Janet about the demon horns. They're highly acidic, requiring use of lead-lined gloves. They come from an Azubla demon, which lives in toxic dumps and sheds its skin regularly. She doesn't know whether they possess people. Violet butts in and says that they're not nice guys, but don't really possess people. She was apparently in a toxic relationship with them in the past. Janet suggests they go to her lab after school to check what she used, and Imogen readily agrees. Layla tries to say nothing. Imogen asks whether Janet has been in contact with any suspicious persons; she says she hasn't talked to anyone in a month. Imogen describes Charity and Janet becomes guarded. Layla, knowing that Charity killed Janet's parents, tries to dissuade Imogen from further inquiry but Janet asks who she is. Janet demands to know he she is and Layla and Imogen slowly explain that they're trying to find her, and that she's called Charity. They explain that they're afraid of her and she's very powerful.

Layla is tired of beating around the bush and tells Janet her base is destroyed. Layla explains that Mercury attacked her and that Starr blew up. Janet apologises for not finishing Starr and becomes more dubious about Layla after she glosses over why Mercury attacked her. Imogen tries to tell Janet she can trust Layla. Layla and Imogen go back on forth on what to do before Layla tells Janet not to talk to Rob as he may be possessed. Layla and Imogen reiterate that they aren't sure, but think whatever possessed Janet jumped into him, but now he's angry. Janet says that she felt guilty for not helping them when they asked. They ask Violet whether an anti-vengeance demon exists, but they realise she can't talk to her colleagues now. Violet hurriedly leaves to get ready for school. Layla and Imogen tells Janet to be normal around Robert. Janet herself still seems rather subdued, but she nods. Imogen suggests that they all meet up and study at some point, Janet agrees. Imogen says they can study with Rob, just not suspect that he's possessed. She suggests that perhaps Rob's just hit puberty, and Janet blushes.

Robert wakes up and notices that Ned has left with the bedding he was sleeping on. Some of the stuff which is left is a bit damp with something that is thicker than water. Robert tells Barnaby about the spider thing he saw, and that there's perhaps a dead spider-thing up his nose. The two are a bit blase about Ned's condition. Imogen goes into the girls' bathroom and asks Violet if shes alright while brushing her teeth. There is the sound of someone wiping her eyes with a tissue and trying not to sob. Imogen talks to Violet via monologue to herself. She tries to imply that Violet should have considered her co-workers friends. Violet says that everything's changed and that she had a deal to go back. Imogen disapproves, as it involved her becoming a vengeance demon. Violet says that she would have liked the job. Imogen says she doesn't like really working for someone to get power, and would be prone to usurping their place. Violet tells her to keep her voice down, as her boss could still be listening.

Imogen admits that she and Violet will never really see eye-to-eye, but that if she goes back everything will have changed. She'll know that her co-workers don't really care for her. She could try something different, and it could turn out differently, or she could become a vengeance demon again and they could kill her. Violet is unsure, and says she could be a "nice" vengeance demon. Imogen says that she spent a month with Violet and thinks she has more potential than she thinks she does. Violet asks why Imogen decided to stay with Ra (as she did) instead of going to a coven as she initially wanted. Imogen said that initially she didn't trust her, and that practically Ra was more interesting, as was the Alley. Imogen tells Violet to be herself, not someone else. Violet steps out of the loo and her makeup is smeared across her face. Violet thanks Imogen and says she's not as bad, before Imogen tells her not to lie and to admit that she's a terrible person. Violet readily admits that Imogen's a terrible person, but not that terrible. Imogen asks for Violet's help again and not to poke Rob. Violet is overcome by an urge to get more bunnies. She thanks Imogen once more time and runs away.

Layla goes to intercept Barnaby before he goes to Media Studies. She tells him not to tell Rob, and tells him that they think he's possessed. Barnaby thinks about it, and says he has a plan. He suggests they disguise an exorcism as a charm or ritual. He thinks that considering his experiences in Janet's house, he can figure out the demon. They need to keep Rob busy, however. Barnaby suggests they get him to build something. Layla agrees. At this point the teacher asks the students to enter, and Layla leaves. In Maths, Robert sees Ned wolfing down a bacon sandwich. He goes forwards to check on him, but a hand grabs him from behind. It's Janet. Clearly tired and unkempt, she asks if he's alright. He still cares for her, but is taken aback when she hugs him. He assures her he's fine. She says she's concerned about him. She starts talking about Mercury, and how it couldn't detect Layla as a human; consequently, she thinks Layla's possessed. She suggests that Mercury can't tell the difference between a demon and possessed person. Janet then, reluctantly, tells Robert that Layla thinks he's possessed on the basis that she thinks he's a good person and he saved her. Janet suggests that Layla's possession caused her to try and redirect attention towards Robert.

Janet insists that her machines are foolproof - she even captured a vampire to test it on. Robert is quietly impressed, and asks whether she can rebuild the scanner. Janet would prefer to do her homework, but does feel she owes Robert something. He does says it would be useful. Janet says that she knows Layla's the Slayer, and they worry about what that means if she were possessed. They briefly talk about Charity and Janet says that Layla never said anything about Robert being the one to get rid of her. Robert is a bit frustrated at the lack of credit. Janet is impressed by the teleporter. Despite this, Janet is also worried about Layla since Layla did also help her out of ther state too. Robert promises to find out what's going on and to deal with it. He doesn't know what's going on and is certain they'll come running to him again. Janet hugs him again.

Layla shows up late and is ordered to sit at the front. Imogen and Rob notice that while everyone is doing compass and protractor work, Ned's compass disappears. He borrows another one and a few minutes later half is protractor suffers the same fate. Basically, half his pencil case's contents is missing and there are pencil shavings on his desk. Robert thinks nothing of it, while Imogen asks him if he's okay. She has a guarded conversation with Ned and lends him a protractor. She spends the rest of class staring at him. She gets her compass back at the end. At the end, Robert and Janet walk off together. Robert suggests they work together on a scanner, but ultimately tells Janet to catch up on her work due to the time she lost. Layla and Barnaby catch up to him at lunch. They haven't figured out what to get him to build, and so awkwardly strike up a conversation with him. Robert mentions Ned losing stuff in class. Barnaby asks Rob to "make stuff to help us figure out stuff". Rob says that's what he always does. Barnaby deflects it onto Layla, Layla asks if she could get a new pair of knuckledusters. Robert is a bit bitter about it, since apparently "normal" ones aren't good enough.

Robert knows that they're trying to misdirect him and tells them he'll be in his workshop and not to distract him. Barnaby says he loves doing that and Robert glares at him. Layla tells him they'll let him know if they get more stuff about the egg. Barnaby tells Layla about Ned's spider snorting up his nose, and Layla criticises Rob for going back to sleep. Ned walks up and asks how the spider-egg situation is, and the boys tell him to blow his nose. Ned blows his nose then goes and sits somewhere else. Barnaby examines the tissue and there's nothing of note there. Imogen goes over to sit with them and asks what's going on. Barnaby admits that the spider thing was probably dying. Robert tells him about the crunch after Ned snorted it up his nose and says he doesn't think Ned's head will explode soon. Robert demands to be able to eat his lunch, and goes back to the lunch queue. Barnaby whispers to Imogen and asks whether they're going to tell him that he's possessed. They have no real idea over what's happening. Layla suggests they and Janet and Violet do research at the Davidsons'. Barnaby says that his father will mind. Layla says that his father might be able to help with the matter of possession. Robert, in the queue, is certain that they're plotting against him. Layla, in particular, is trying to waste his time and think he's stupid. He angrily eats his lunch in the workshop.

As he leaves, he realises that something in the lunch hall was making him calm. It's not his friends, and he stops at the anger gradient and looks around. Ned is standing next to him with a pizza. Robert asks Ned whether he notices "that", and Ned says he did notice "something". Ned asks about the spider-thing and Robert tells him it'll fix itself like it did for him. The situation frustrates Robert, but not Ned. Robert isn't sure, but feels he works well naturally with him. Robert suggests Ned come with him to see something he's working on. Ned isn't sure why he's agreeing, but does. He complains about the others not telling him anything. Ned asks whether Rob has any crisps and the latter gives him access to his emergency food supply in the workshop. Ned asks what's going on.

As the others are doing research, Robert feels perfectly calm in his workshop (his quiet place), and with Ned there. He tells Ned that the others are acting weird and hiding stuff from both him and Ned. Robert thinks it's to do with the arachne demon eggs, but is sure they're gone. Regardless, they'll work on that. Robert then tells Ned about what Janet told him. Ned is confused and Robert explains that Robbie was a robot Janet built. Ned is concerned about Layla hunting them, and Rob says he'll make a demon scanner. Ned suggests some demon-tracking missiles, but Rob doesn't think he has the equipment for that. Ned suggests they could use Robbie, but Rob considers it since Robbie can't be salvaged. Ned asks whether there are any more snacks, and Rob notices that the cupboard is now empty. Some of them had to have disappeared, as Ned couldn't have eaten them all. Ned does say he lost count of everything he ate. Robert thinks he needs to get the spider out of Ned immediately and tells him they need to get it to fall out of his nose somehow.

Robert tells Ned about what he saw and asks him whether he felt anything. Ned says that he felt something burrow from the back of his head to the front, but can't feel anything now. Robert looks around for something to help get it out, notices a spanner disappear and half of it appear in Ned's hand. Robert asks whether Ned ate the spanner and pulls it away from Ned. There are bite marks. Rob is taken aback by his sudden burst of strength and asks Ned if he ate it. He says yes. Rob tells Ned he can't eat spanners, then has an idea and asks him to bite it. There is a sound of metal shearing. The scientist part of Rob just about dominates, telling him it's not normal and somewhat interesting, while part of him tells him that it's normal. Rob asks when Ned started eating spanners (apparently right now), and Ned says it isn't filling. Rob notices that Ned's teeth are slightly inhuman. They're triangular shaped with serrations around the edges. It's not vampirism, more like shark teeth. They banter a bit, and Ned asks how Robert's so strong. Ned asks Rob to arm wrestle him to show him the strength Ned felt when he tried to keep the spanner away from Rob. It's very close, and the force of the contest is fracturing the table. Rob stops the contest and is perturbed.

Robert throws a bouncy thinking ball at the wall to see how hard he can throw. As he does so, he's consumed by his anger at being mistreated by his "friends" and the ball bounces from one side of the workshop to the other and back multiple times. Robert thinks the spider things perhaps did give him gifts, instead of taking things away. Then he realises. Layla kills demons and those associated. Layla might be coming for him. If she's possessed, then she's even a greater danger. Robert tells Ned not to eat odd stuff, and if he has to, eat from the bedroom of a dead student as the furniture there's unused. He tells Ned they need to get Janet on side, get Robbie's corpse, and get Albert, who was with them. Robert will do the science stuff while Ned does everything else.

After a few days' of research, the gang (bar Robert) meet up to discuss their findings. Janet doesn't recall anything that she worked with that may have had emotional effects. Imogen, who has researched the arachne demons and possession, finds out that the demons have two forms - human and spider. In human form, they have used their venom to liquefy the organs of the subject and sucked out the paste. They wear the skin of their targets to pose as them. If they are young or male, they tend to have glamours. They have a carapace and bladed limbs. Female demons tend to be matriarchs and powerful sorcerers; some of them can use stunning hypnosis. In human form, some of the blunt or bullet damage to transferred to the human. The brain experimentation would enhance a person's characteristics. Someone who was ignored would become invisible, someone who got mixed up with his brother could take his brother's abilities and have a telepathic connection with him. Someone who was superintelligent would be brighter and perhaps gain understanding of language. It would take a facet of their personality and enhance it into the psychic realm. The spider egg would hopefully learn from this.

The spider demons generally had mixed success. The subjects tended to be a bit crazy, and the spiders don't mature correctly. Many didn't live and were dissected. The spiders would be born either after the full period or midway through. They would be the equivalent of stillborn, or could scramble the brain of the host (resulting in stillbirth). Regardless, they wouldn't be as quick as Robert. Minimum failure was about 2 months, and all the hosts died. The spiders can be killed by shredding or burnt to a crisp. Bug spray works.

The others research on emotional manipulation and possession, with Violet giving her all after Imogen's pep talk. There are demons called passions or shades, which work on emotions in general. They tend to work on a single emotion. Some enhance an existing emotion, but aren't strong enough to affect an aura. Passions and Shades are sub-demons like vampires - hybrids - and take an aspect of an emotion. Violet gives Layla and Imogen a very ancient book, with passages in Latin, Ancient Greek and Sanskrit. When humanity was created, it was a blank slate. By having flaws they could learn, and with weaknesses they could adapt. The origin is uncertain, but seven demons were unleashed on them. These demons warped the people's personalities until emotions were brought out. They are known commonly as the Seven Deadly Sins. Some know them as tulpas, and are given power by the belief within them, and they feed on that belief. When powerful enough, they would possess entire groups of people. About the time of the first Slayer, they were defeated and locked away in a vault of Heaven. These would be adjacent to true demons, but they lack a body and require a host whom they must twist.

Eventually, they will create an animus from a person, but they must have a strong enough emotion to call out to them, similar to how a vengeance demon seeks out a human. Eventually that human can only feel a certain emotion and they grow. Each of the demons has certain characteristics, as their power is too strong for the human.

  • Sloth is associated with the colour light blue - like Janet's eyes when she was possessed, and the *colour that left her when she was purged of it.
  • Wrath is red - like when Robert's eyes became red from when his blood vessels burst. A bear animus would result.
  • Gluttony is orange. A pig animus would result.
  • Lust is deep blue. A snake animus would result.
  • Pride is purple. A lion animus would result.
  • Greed is yellow. A frog animus would result.

The Sins, though they are different aspects, work together. The rate of taking over a person and the rate at which they enhance their aura is much faster when they are around another sin. It took about 4 months for Janet to get affected by her Sin. The Sins are very hard to get rid of. When the spirit is strong enough, killing the person does for a long time (millenia) blast apart the spirit. If a person can push it out (if the aura is sufficiently strong) before it's manifest, it can be expunged but it will find another host. There may be other ways, but nobody has any other idea. Barnaby knows that there is a way to lock someone in, which will also lock in the Sin. Imogen recalls that Ned had an orange spark in his eyes, and Horus Grant was consumed by envy. There was a flash of green when Horus died. Janet goes bone white as she realises this. Imogen and Layla yell at her for telling Robert.

They realise the time they blew a hole into Heaven was probably the time the were let out. Imogen says Robert brought this upon himself glibly. Layla and Violet call her out on the hypocrisy. Barnaby, despite having found the spell, is vehemently against locking his brother in as anything but a last resort. Barnaby suggests that they just provoke him in order to accelerate the SIn, to make it easier to get rid of it. Imogen says that at least it wasn't Charity's fault. Imogen then recalls the voice conversation where her master was complaining about her hitting on stuff, and Charity's eyes were a deep blue. Imogen just starts laughing, cackling like a witch. Imogen suggests that Charity's boss is the devil, and that she's so strong because she has a demon inside her. After some teasing of Barnaby, he cooly says that he's prepared to "jump on the grenade" if he has to. Imogen thinks that if Charity's boss is miffed, then he probably doesn't know she's possessed, but at the same time re-souling her might not help. They realise they have a lot of problems to deal with and resolve to help Rob first. Imogen warns the others that they should keep an eye out for possession by the other Sins.


  1. The episode's title is a reference to Abraham Lincoln's famous House Divided Speech, noted for its first line "A house divided against itself, cannot stand". In this instance, the disunity in the team threatens their ability to stand up to more powerful threats.