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WARNING: This article may contain significant information from recent episodes that may be considered spoilers.
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"We have to do what we have to do to save people, and I'm sorry it ended this way." - Layla Smith

The Price is the forty-ninth episode of Layla the Vampire Slayer and the twenty-seventh episode of Season 2. It is the final episode of Season 2. As with the previous third episodes, this episode features LittleRedDot as Katherine Winters.


In the middle of night in May, Layla Smith finishes her call with Ra. She calls her parents. Her father picks up and asks why she's calling so late. She tells him and her mother that she loves them. Her father doesn't want to sleep and would rather talk in the morning. He does say that they love her back and tells her to keep her grades up.

Down in the ground, in a chamber above the Hellmouth, there is a predominantly-metal and bone sphere covered in spikes, suspended in air. There are many vampires around it, most staring in awe at it. Thom Huell puts the finishing touches on the runes. Layla walks down a tunnel, straighter than any of the tunnels she's been down before in the school. It opens into a large, high-domed chamber lit by candlelight. Above her is the sphere. There are a dozen vampires, and she can recognise Thom Huell. He turns at her. Layla is more alert now, and every now and again there is a slight spark, red to blue to green to violet, when she moves. Thom Huell taunts and Layla and says he was wondering how long it would take her. Layla says she didn’t give her much of a choice. Thom Huell says he's been carrying out the plan for so long he didn't want to give her a choice.

Below them, in the chamber of the Hellmouth, Katherine Winters, Imogen Parker, Barnaby and Robert Davidson are under a thin sheet of rock. Robert and Barnaby can hear the conversation above them, but Imogen and Katherine can't. They whisper to the girls that Layla's here. They resolve to make a break for it. Robert fires his railgun twice. Everyone below is deafened, but a small hole is made, Imogen stopping any debris. Thom Huell looks down and gestures, causing the brickwork to recede, exposing the pit that the others are in. Huell says he guessed that something like that would happen, and he tells the vampires to go to their tasks.

Layla recognises, written in blood, many symbols on the sphere. Some are old, some are new. She recognises most of them from the book of Enochian symbology. Some draw power, others disperse it. Huell finishes monologuing and throws a polaroid of James down on the floor. He says he made sure to find him, and he'll be waking up soon. He sent some of his friends to deal with him. Imogen asks what that means. Barnaby asks where he is; Huell says where he left him, trapped and where he can't move on. They'll find him and tear him away. Huell says that he's accelerated his plans due to the bomb threat Layla called in. He says he's stalling them as much as he can before the fighting can start. Layla says that's funny. He thinks he's stalling them, but she says it's the other way around.

Layla jumps onto the sphere and asks the others if they're okay. They say they're alive. She tells them to take care of the other kids. Katherine throws the others out of the pit, and Imogen helps Katherine out with telekinesis. Imogen asks Layla if she needs help with the sphere. Layla says that she thinks she can do it. Imogen asks Barnaby whether he wants to stay and brings up James. Barnaby wants to help James. Barnaby kisses Imogen then sprints off. Barnaby, based on the photo, believes that James is at a location more physical in nature, so probably not the Hole in Heaven. The photo appears to have been chucked in the bin. Layla notices that there were two groups of vampires; the smaller one was probably after James. She points that out. Robert asks if Katherine's mind can be controlled by Thom; she says he's powerful enough to control anyone. Imogen looks at Layla and says she trusts her. Against her instinct, due to Katherine staying to fight Thom, she goes with Robert to run to the dorms.

The sphere is held up by multiple cables, and it swings slightly as Layla lands on it. She calls out to the leaving Imogen that she trusts that she can help them and tells her to be safe. She whispers, "I love you". Imogen thinks she saw the mouth movements for that. She hesitates, but leaves. Barnaby runs after the three vampires before him but can't quite catch up to them. They're going to the graveyard. As they enter the graveyard, he pulls out the sawn-off. Robert and Imogen run down a passageway towards a staircase. It's the one to the boarding house, and it's considerably deeper than it should be. Coming down them are Violet and Janet. The two are seriously out of breath. The four run into each other on the staircase and catch their breath, all four being nerds with unfit physiques. Imogen brings them up to date on the situation, and Violet asks what to do. As Robert has no idea where Barnaby went or where James is, Imogen and Robert tell them to follow them to the dorms. As she says this, she realises that there's something mystical happening, and the sound of her voice isn't travelling as far. Violet says that it's to dampen sounds in fights. They leg it up the stairs, running into two vampires.

In the basement, Layla swings on the sphere. Below her, Katherine dusts herself up after getting levitated out of the pit. The air is thick with the smell of dust, stone, wax and ozone. Thom Huell stares at Layla and tells her the object is hot, and she shouldn't touch that. She is compelled to believe that, and she jumps off. Layla looks at her hands, believing they were burnt, but Katherine warns her that Huell plays tricks with her mind. She then realises she was compelled. Layla asks why Katherine was helping him. Katherine reiterates that he controls people. Layla realises that there are roughly three categories of runes on the sphere: those to draw power, those to disperse it, and those to remove wards or unbind. If she removes an entire category, the spell will fail. Layla focuses on the ball to make sure she's correct in her conclusion that she has to remove the power category. It doesn't confirm much, but she is pretty certain that it would torpedo the likelihood of the spell going. Layla asks Katherine if him controlling her caused her to call her. She then asks if there's a way to stop him. Katherine says it would be her pleasure.

Barnaby moves closer to the vampires in the graveyard and fires his shotgun at the one nearest to him. The primer on the anti-vampire shell detonates, and a shower of rock salt, silver, anti-demonic-inscribed slivers of metal and splinters of wood rip opens the vampire's back. The other two vampires run on, but the one he shot turns to punch him. Barnaby dodges it with ease.

In the dorms, the four nerds run into two vampires at the top of the staircase. One vampire tells the other vampire to get the others. The remaining vampire runs to grapple Rob, who is at the head of the column. Rob just about dodges back and steps on Janet's toes. The vampire looks buffer and tougher. Robert aims at him. Violet doesn't know his name, so she can't turn him into a rabbit. Instead, she tries to climb over the bannister to flank the vampire. She does it easily. Robert fires his stake-thrower at the vampire, wounding him in the side. The vampire taunts him. Imogen, having prepared, flings the vampire around and throws him down the stairwell. Imogen and Robert have a bit of banter about one-liners. The vampire drops the whole way down, 15 metres.

Back in the basement, Thom denies that Katherine works for him. He tells Katherine to kill her. Katherine is very nearly consumed by Thom's will, but at the last moment, the tiny spark inside her that always told her to keep going gives her the will to fight on. Thom is surprised. She declares that Thom can't control her any more. She kicks off the brickwork, but he backhands her, and the kick misses. She hauls herself up. Layla easily jumps back onto the ball.

Barnaby backs off and empties the second barrel into the vampire's heart. At so close a range the shell's contents drive a hole through the vampire's chest, large enough to see Barnaby's tie through. He adjusts his tie as the vampire is dusted. He follows the vampires before him, who have reached James' grave. He roars at them to step away. One takes an iron bar out and starts smashing the gravestone. The other disturbs the earth.

In the dorms, the others make it down a corridor towards the girls' dorms. They see the door to the left of them kicked open, and someone's feeding, like they've nearly finished. There are a couple more vampires breaking doors. Some move away. The vampires are alerted by a shout from one of them who spots the four. Rob enters the room and sees a pool of blood, which trickles towards an air vent against gravity. Robert makes to shoot at the vampire, driving through his cheek. He drops the girl in Pokémon pyjamas that she's feeding on, who is a lost cause. Violet enters and casts the centre of attention spell on him. The vampire sparkles. Imogen heads down to the pack of vampires in the corridor and hurls a fireball down towards them. The one in the centre is hit directly in the chest, and the two to his side also take damage. Imogen waves at them as the smoke clears, partly out of fear and partly hoping they'll focus their attention on her, and not the girls in the dorms. Some of them are in school hoodies, but one is considerably older and pushes the others away to run at Imogen. Janet tries to fire a crossbow at him, but it misses. Imogen tells Janet to try and get everyone out of the building.

Thom Huell is angered at Katherine's defiance. He calls Layla to kill Katherine. Layla physically wants to follow his command, Huell's will combining with Layla's distrust of her makes the grip on her certain. Katherine immediately slam-tackles him into the pit onto the Hellmouth seal. Layla jumps down from the sphere and kicks Katherine in the face, chromatic sparks flying off her. Layla declares that Katherine will never get near the others ever again. She says that Katherine was just here to play with them, and Layla resolves to never let that happen again. Layla just about realises that Katherine isn't trying to attack her. While she may be a vampire, there's a part of her which isn't. Layla immediately realises what she did. She apologises to Katherine. Katherine says they need to kill him, as the spell will end when he dies. Layla still wants to get back up to the sphere.

In the cemetery, Barnaby, enraged at his ex-boyfriend's grave being desecrated, charges with the shotgun. He easily slips in two new shells and gives both barrels to the vampire digging. The vampire is knocked to the ground with the first shot, and Barnaby executes him with the second shot to the chest, standing above him. The vampire with the iron bar says that it's too late, and James is getting up. He throws a polaroid away and swings with the iron bar. Barnaby's arm gets thwacked hard with the bar and he drops the shotgun. The vampire taunts him.

The lead vampire in the dorms charges Imogen, who narrowly dodges his jump-kick. Imogen gets punched in the face by another vampire, as does Janet. The feeding vampire fails to grapple Robert. Robert goes out and aims at the vampire who punched Janet, telling her to run. Violet uses her crossbow to dust the vampire in the room. She tells the other the girl inside is dead. Imogen shoves her hand out and grabs the zipper of the jacket of the vampire before her. She imbues the jacket with sunlight. Janet runs around and, blinded, stumbles down the stairs. Robert blindly fires his stake-thrower at the vampire, who fails to dodge.

Thom Huell looks Katherine and asks whether she does not remember everyone she's killed and bled in his name. He utilises hypnosis and illusions to try and disconcert her. She sees the entire room become filled with people she's killed, but she just about resists becoming terrified of her own vampirism. She screams, falling to her knees and running her hands through her hair, constantly saying that she didn't mean to kill them. She kneels there, trying to determine whether it is reality or not, but one of them starts speaking. She doesn't know, but it's Janet's parents. Layla puts her hand on Katherine's shoulder and tells her that they'll fight Huell. She runs and tries to punch Huell in the balls, but he dodges. Huell taunts her.

In the cemetery, without his shotgun, Barnaby sweep-kicks the vampire with the bar. He then jump-kicks the vampire, dropping his knee on the vampire's throat. The vampire's neck breaks, and he can't speak. Barnaby taunts him in retaliation. The vampire gets up, but just about fails to hit Barnaby with the bar. Below him, Barnaby can see broken fingers move out of the ground, with a tiny bit of flesh remaining. Two of the knuckles have popped off entirely.

In the dorms, the vampires attempt to deal with the sun-jacket. The vampire with it on takes it off and throws it into the dorm room, closing the door, keeping Violet stuck in. The remaining two make a bee-line for Imogen. Imogen takes a punch. The second vampire tries to kick her, but she throws her hand out and holds his foot in place. Rob taps the vampire's shoulder and says that he's not done with him yet. Violet yells something about the door. She covers the jacket with a duvet, and she shoves the door open. Imogen says good work to Violet, and telekinetically throws the vampire who punched her at the vampire who was holding the door open. Janet yells that there's one coming up the stairs and runs back up. Robert misses the railgun shot.

Thom Huell goes to throw punches at Layla, but her training kicks in, as does her enhancements. She just about dodges as chromatic sparks fly around as they scrape past each other. Katherine still believes the illusions are there but is motivated to fight. From her position she sweep-kicks him. Layla taunts him and tries to jump-kick Huell to the groin. Huell just about dodges out of the way. He is now losing control. In the cemetery, Barnaby goes to stake the vampire through the heart. He stumbles to dodge the bar, leans against James' gravestone then lunges forwards with the stake, charging through a cloud of dust. He yells "dust to dust". He grabs and reloads the shotgun before trying to dig at James. The polaroid the vampire had drops to the ground. It's an awkward selfie of James, with "for you Barnabee" written on it.

In the dorms, the vampire making his way up the stairs goes to grapple Janet. The lead vampire just about fails to grapple Robert. Imogen similarly dodges a vampire, and she yells at him to just die. The remaining vampire tries to grapple Violet. She panic-flails and avoids it. The vampire holding onto Janet tells them to leave or he'll feed off Janet. Robert says he doesn't believe him. Robert fails to dust but injures one vampire but misses the another. He tells Imogen to stop the one threatening Janet. Violet puts on the sun jacket but fails to hug the vampire in there with her. Imogen fails to telekinetically throw a vampire away. Janet fails to free herself.

Thom Huell gets up and tries to punch Katherine twice. Katherine goes down, but she stays conscious. However, that helps her break the hallucination. She wickedly laughs again and proclaims that Huell has no fear over her. She grapples him, and yells at Layla to finish him, going all vampire. Layla punches Huell in the balls twice. Huell just about manages to hold himself together after the damage to his plums.

In the dorms, the vampire who has Janet will start feeding. Janet goes still. Robert's bracelet beeps. She is unconscious, but still alive. Robert fends off a vampire, as does Imogen. Robert roars "no", reloads his stake-thrower and shoots the vampire feeding off Janet. It breaks his jaw, breaking the feed. Janet drops to the ground. Robert tells the vampires to run now, and they might live. Violet walks out in the sun-jacket. She goes and hugs the lead vampire, and he is dusted. Imogen miscasts, taking damage to herself, but she forces the vampire who fed on Janet to stare at her. One vampire is dusted.

Back at the Hellmouth, Thom Huell is badly injured. He says he hopes Layla's friends are dead, as they have cost him a lot. He declares that the Slayer and the Traitor will pay for it. Layla says she's paid for it already and won't pay for it any more. Huell then turns into fog, and it fills the room. The fog doesn't hurt them or move. Layla and Katherine taunt him. Layla punches the fog to now effect. The two jump up to the ball.

In the dorms, there are two vampires left. The vampire minion jumps out of the window. The one locked by Imogen is stuck there. Robert walks up to him and declares that no-one hurts his girlfriend. He unloads his magazine into the vampire's heart, and it is dusted. Rob grabs Janet as Violet throws the jacket away. Imogen tries to assess Janet. She's unconscious and should probably be taken to a hospital. The sound thing stops. There's still one vampire around. Robert yells aloud to ask if anyone has a phone. A girl opens her door and basically tells them to let her sleep. Imogen demands if she has a phone. Imogen telekinetically grabs it and phones 999.

In the graveyard, Barnaby grabs the hand. It grabs him back. There are tattered bits of fabric attached to it; James' suit. A flesh-skeleton which somewhat resembles James comes out. Barnaby hugs him and says that he doesn't have time to say everything he wants. They need to save their friends. James struggles to talk, but says it's good to see Barnaby, and that he's missed him. James wants to help, but he's rather slow. Barnaby says he doesn't know what's going to happen but asks him to trust him. He grabs James, carrying him, and jogs towards the basement. In the rush, he leaves the polaroid behind. As he nears, he sees a wisp of fog leave the stairwells and heads towards the school offices.

Layla and Katherine see the fog leave. Layla decides to finish demolishing the runes, and Katherine runs after it. She runs past Barnaby, who tells her it's going to the school offices. She says thanks and runs off. Barnaby comes across Layla smashing the sphere. He asks James whether they should interrupt her, and they move to Thom's room, saying hello and good work. Layla asks what's going on, seeing the decomposing, talking body of James. James says it's good to see her again. Barnaby says that he needs to end the spell that's holding the Hole in Heaven open. Layla tells him Ra is holding the Hellmouth shut.

In the dorms, Robert goes to the parking lot to wait for the ambulance with Janet. Imogen runs off to find Layla. She sees a figure in black hurrying away. They stop. They tell her that they're not in a mood for a fight, and neither is she. They say that they were hired to do a spell, quietened things down, and now he's going to leave. They say they can fight or he can leave. The witch specifies they did a one-night contract. Imogen says she'll kill them later and says bye. Robert sees Katherine run past, chasing the fog. They have a hurried conversation and Violet tries to follow Katherine. She comes to a locked door; behind it there's a shadow and a tinkle of glass. She kicks the door open. She sees a sealed envelope with "TH" written on it and a broken window. She opens the envelope. It's old parchment. It says:

I, Thom Huell, of sound mind and sound body, enclose full ownership of the school and the premises of, St. Thom Huell's, to the local authorities to deal with and to run as they see fit in all matters pertaining to, and of, the students and of the education of them. I henceforth give away all titles and ownership of land, of fabric of building, of management of running facilities, and of any form of ownership or possession of any demesne.

- Thom Huell.

Katherine pockets the letter. She asks Violet if she's hurt. Katherine says that it seems Thom has gone. They thought he couldn't leave. She shows Violet the letter. Violet suggests that now that he no-longer owns the school, he can leave, especially if he put a part of him into the school. Down in the basement, Imogen walks in to see Layla finish devastating the sphere of doom. She asks if there's anything else she should be doing. Layla lets her know about Barnaby and James. She asks if Imogen's alright, and if the kids are alright. Imogen tells her about the vampire on the loose. She then goes after Barnaby. For Barnaby, the tunnels seemed to have stopped moving after a moment of shifting. The entrance to Thom's room is partially closed, but he slips through. Inside is the cot, with a thick wiry blanket on top. There is a battered copy of the Bible, candles and spell components. Barnaby pockets the bible and takes whatever he can. He figures that Thom can't maintain the spell any more.

Imogen arrives and sees the animated, decomposing body of James. James greets her. She returns it and asks what Barnaby's doing. He says he's going to grab everything and use the cot as a sympathetic token at a later date to end the spell. He then collapses onto Imogen. She awkwardly, nervously, pats him. James asks whether they're together. Imogen and Barnaby let James know about the changes in relationship. James slowly says he's happy for them. Barnaby apologises to him and says he didn't mean to hurt him. Imogen says that they should probably send him back, though she likes seeing him again. James admits that it's painful being here. Imogen says that Huell probably cast the spell on James, and lets him know about the witch. James says that he wants to go back, as it was peaceful. There was then noise and shouting and screams. He says the phone call was a nice thought. It feels wrong for him to be here.

Imogen says that if it's an ongoing spell, Barnaby's spell will end it. James offers to step out, but Barnaby says he can stay. He then asks Imogen for some time with Barnaby. James tells Barnaby that he's happy if Barnaby's happy. Now that he's dead, he sees things differently. He's surprised Barnaby moved on so quickly. Barnaby says that everything happened so quickly, and that he's become a lot happier now. James tells Barnaby that Mr. Miller was human when he was killed. Barnaby says he knows. James tells Barnaby to take care of their friends, especially Layla; killing Miller was a black mark on her ledger. She's not meant to kill people. Barnaby says that Layla will make up for mistakes, and James agrees. James thanks Barnaby for being honest and hopes Barnaby and Imogen will be happy. Barnaby says he hopes James will be happy where he's going. They hug.

Imogen asks whether he wants to take the lead for the casting. Imogen is exhausted, so Barnaby does. They pop out to let Layla know, who has the sphere on the ground and is hammering it. They tell her that Thom might know and might come back. Robert drops Janet off at the ambulance, and he promises he'll visit when he can. He runs into Katherine and Violet. Katherine says Thom's disappeared, and lets him know about Barnaby and the dead body. They arrive at the basement as the others finish up the spell. There is a flash of light. Nothing happens for a bit, and then there's a thump and a squelch behind them. Barnaby doesn't look. Robert walks in to see James, who waves then flops to the side. James' head drops off and rolls off. Robert goes white and says he's so sorry to the body. Violet asks if Robert needs to take some air. Barnaby says that James is back where he should be, and that he appreciated the call. Rob's Gameboy starts beeping. A game has started. It says, "thank you". Rob and Violet go outside.

There's a crackle and a pop. Layla shimmers with colour before it fades. Long black beard, goatee and moustache. However, the typical waxed hair is soaked with water. Ra's robe is stained with water. He is very tired. She asks Layla if she managed to get everything she wanted done. Layla stands in front of Katherine and says that she's sorry and will try to make it right. Ra says that she's got the package he wanted. Imogen asks Layla what she offered Ra. Layla says see wants to change the deal. She offers to go instead. Ra asks whether Layla wants to be owned by him forever. Layla says for the duration of the terms, a year. He says it would cut down on Katherine's time, as Layla has obligations.

Katherine, bewildered, asks what's going on. Imogen and Barnaby back her up. Layla admits she traded Katherine. Imogen accuses Layla of selling Katherine into slavery. Layla says not forever, which is a great defence, as Imogen points out. Layla says that Katherine would be free to do whatever she wanted other than the 9 to 5, and it wouldn't be forever. Layla says that she did it when she thought Katherine had betrayed them. Katherine says that Huell took her life, and now Layla has taken hers. Ra asks why he would want Layla, who is mortal, over Katherine. Layla says that she's the incumbent Slayer, and with that, certain advantages and reputation. She suggests that him having a Slayer under his thumb would be good for her. Katherine takes Layla aside and tells her she has a responsibility to protect. She asks how Layla can protect people if she's influenced by Ra. Layla says she'll quit school and do what she wants. Katherine asks whether she thinks Ra will let her do that.

Katherine says that Layla knew it had to be here, which was why she offered her first. Ra says the two have a point. He says he'll split the difference. Layla will work, minimum wage, for him during the Summer holidays, 8 hours a week, 5 days a week. Katherine can be his to own for a year, or 8 hours a week, 5 days a week, for ten years. If Layla dies, Katherine will bear the remainder. Katherine asks to serve the initial term, but Ra says it wasn't a year. He comments that her friends may be dead by then, admittedly. Imogen asks what the original deal was.

Katherine says that she can't really have a normal life. Layla says she has friends, but Katherine denies it. She asks Layla to look at what she did to them. She says her life was over the moment Thom Huell sunk his teeth into her, and she'd give anything to be in Layla's position. Katherine begs to take the original deal, in order to make it up to everyone she wronged. Ra urges the mixed deal. Imogen pipes up that Ra wasn't that bad of an employer. Layla urges Katherine not to take the original deal. She asks to take a part of the burden. Katherine says that she owes Layla, as she gave her back her soul. Imogen says that she won't be able to dissuade Layla, who doesn't always think things through.

Ra says that he was under the impression that she was evil and congratulates her for not being evil any more. Imogen, mad, leaves the room. Katherine says she doesn't really have a choice but to serve him for some period and asks Ra to introduce himself. He does. Barnaby points out that he's an avatar of Greed. Katherine asks Layla if she made a deal with a demon. Ra says they make deals all the time. Katherine, bitterly, says that Layla seems to have called the shots, and asks what she wants. Katherine denies that she'll have a normal life. She's not the Slayer any more, nor entirely Katherine or Charity. Layla tells her to figure herself out. Katherine glares at Ra when he suggests she go to a therapist. Layla hugs Katherine and says they'll figure a way out of it. Layla says they have to do what they have to do to save people and apologises. Katherine grabs Layla's hand and turns to face Ra. She tells him he has two Slayers for the price of one.

Ra says he's being considerate and gives her a week to get things in order. He takes Layla's silence as a yes for work in the summer. He gives Katherine the week to think the year or the decade. Ra takes out a contract. Layla looks at Katherine for reassurance. Katherine again says that she doesn't have to do it. Layla insists that she owes it to Katherine, but the latter says she'll never feel that way. Layla reads the contract, and there doesn't seem to be any trap clauses. In the event of her death or inability to fulfil her end, the contract will revert to the original for Katherine. Katherine asks Ra why she wants her specifically. He explains that she's a very rare commodity. There are people who have been re-insouled, and there are slaypires. Both together is almost unheard of. As things are developing "interestingly". He sees her and Layla's interactions as proof of the Fates at work, and they can see further than him. He is very interested in her "story". Layla wants a clause which will prevent Ra from making them hurt themselves or their friends. He says that if they are employed, he cannot harm them. He will only allow their core friends i.e. the ones present today to be covered in the clause.

He says he has no need to harm them, and if he was going to, he wouldn't use each other. He states that he spent an hour fighting a Heaven portal, and they got a lot out of his deal. He says that he will make them not fight their friends during their hours of employment. He cannot guarantee that with full ownership. Katherine says she is tempted to give him full ownership but will not allow it if he cannot offer her a contingency to not hurt herself. Ra says that if she dies in a way not of her choosing, Layla will be paid £250,000. Layla shakes her head. Ra says that if he employs her, they have therapists on the staff and she will be paid. Katherine guesses she's immortal and takes the 10 years. They sign. Ra says it's a pleasure doing business and a pleasure to meet Katherine. He says he's a fan of her work. He says it'll be fun. Ra steps out, past Imogen, who says nothing.

After Ra leaves, Katherine takes the letter from Thom Huell out and shows everyone. Barnaby figures that it's releasing his control over the premises, and thus, the premises' control over him, as such a spell must go both ways. Layla asks if they killed him. Katherine is certain they did not. Layla wonders why he didn't release himself beforehand. Katherine wonders whether it's attachment, or because his plan has failed. Barnaby guesses he has a plan B, so they need to figure it out. He looks at Katherine and takes something out. He says it's probably a leaving present now. It's a small, transparent, palm-sized red sphere. He says it's for her, to remember. It appears to be a block of shaped crystal. He says it held the soul that was traded for hers. He's not sure what it means and tells her it means whatever she wants it to mean. He says it's her life, and admits he was never happy with the decision to re-insoul her, as he thought it was cruel. He says she's here now and admits she's pretty cool. She says thanks and taps him on the shoulder.

Katherine figures she has a job now. Layla says that they'll still be there for her. She tells Layla to stop saying sorry. She's meant to make hard decisions, and she did what she felt was right. Layla says that she always seems to be wrong. Katherine explains that everyone outside of the Slayer will think they're wrong; it's part of the burden of the Slayer. She suggests she talk to Imogen. Barnaby goes to check on her. Imogen is close enough to listen. Outwardly calm, she has ground a brick into a perfect sphere. Barnaby says he understands she's not happy. She agrees. Imogen then suggests they cremate James. Barnaby suggests they help Layla. Imogen says she'll be fine and can't undo what she did. Imogen feels that regardless of what Katherine says, there some things one doesn't do. She suggests they fill the place with cement.

Janet's in hospital. Robert and Violet are outside the basement, and he's looking at his bracelet showing her status. Violet says that she saw some of his dreams, including the one where James was dead. She says that the racy dreams stood out when she read the book of his life, but there were also dreams about zombies. Robert admits that it was what he was afraid of. The whole thing he tried to avoid, he made happen. He still holds himself at fault for opening the Hole in Heaven. Violet attempts to dissuade him. Robert thinks it's still his fault for messing with forces he shouldn't. Violet asks why they're there if they can't be messed with. She says there's no cosmic balance compelling him to do things. He maintains that one does not mess with Heaven. She says it's not what it's cracked up to be. He shrugs, thinking the hole is closed now.

"If I buy a new poker for the fire, and then someone breaks into my house and beats someone to death with it, is it my fault that I bought the poker?" - Violet

Ra walks out and greets Robert, explaining he was here to grab a deal. Robert places his head in his hands and leans back. He asks if everyone's still alive. They are. Ra tells him the Hole in Heaven is closed. Robert asks what happened to the spirits, and Ra thinks all the damage has been reverted. Robert tells him to enjoy his non-apocalypsed world. Ra offers his service to Robert, but he says he'll pass. Ra says that's what they all say. Robert rolls his eyes and Ra leaves, starting to offer Violet a job but doesn't finish it. Barnaby takes James' body away. Katherine remarks that they promised to go dancing. Layla says they can do that. Katherine remarks that it should have been for a happy thing. She asks what now. Layla guesses they move onto the next thing. She says she wouldn't mind her help. Layla offers what help she can to a Katherine who is still struggling with her new situation. She comments that fashion advice probably isn't her strong suit and they laugh a bit. Katherine asks who she is now, now that she has a day job. Layla says she can be whoever she wants to be. Perhaps a new name. Katherine thinks that's a great idea. She'll have to think on it. She says she wants to go home and watch a movie, like Sixteen Candles or Pretty in Pink. Layla says that's not really her thing, and they leave, talking about movies.

The camera pans away from Little Rosewater, with the team having thwarted a 150-year old plan of a centuries-old vampire. Many vampires died for one person. Katherine, Violet and Layla watch Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. It cuts away. At James' pyre, Barnaby asks Imogen whether they want to do magic. She asks him what that means, as he'll need to shout first regardless. She grabs his tie and kisses him. The last shot is of Janet and Robert watching the last scene of Return of the Jedi in the hospital. Credits roll.

"So, do you want to do some magic?" "Wait, do you mean magic, or do you mean magic? 'Cos you're going to have to shout first regardless." - Barnaby Davidson and Imogen Parker

Post-credits, Violet talks to someone off-camera. She makes a deal and agrees to work for someone.
